A few months ago, my friend Laura posted on Facebook that her beloved kitty Pepper had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and only had a few months to live. My heart sunk. I read this while my buddy Sherlock was curled up on my lap and it just hit home. Any animal lover can tell you, their pets are their family, and losing your baby can be absolutely devastating. I wanted to do something, anything to help. So I messaged Laura and offered to drive up to Philly to visit her and take some photos of her babies so she’d have beautiful photos to remember her kitties by, especially Pepper. This was originally supposed to happen in February, but was rescheduled time and again because of this vicious winter weather we just got past. Finally this weekend rolled around and it was BEAUTIFUL out! It was the perfect time to drive up and visit.
When I first arrived, Pepper was very skittish and hid from me. Her sister Christine, couldn’t have been more opposite. Laura had told me that Christine was a ham. I had to say, I was a little skeptical, but it was hilarious. Any time I pointed the camera in her direction she would look right at me. Even when Laura’s husband Dave was trying to give her treats. She cracks me up!
She couldn’t have been more easy to photograph! I love that instead of playing with her ball she was looking right at me! So funny. It took a while to get Pepper to warm up to me and my camera, and there was a lot of time spent on the floor trying to tempt her with treats and love, she finally gave in. Such a sweetie.
I have to say, major props to my photography friends who specialize in pet photography, it’s definitely not easy! But I’m so glad I was able to make this work out and be there for Laura, Dave, and their furry friends. Especially Pepper.
So fun!!! I think pet photography is so fun — and you did a great job with the kitties considering they don’t like to stay still for too long!
These are so adorable! What a sweet gift to give your friends <3
Awww. I’m such a cat sap – I teared up. What a heart wrenchingly sad reason to have portraits done of your animals. You did an awesome job though – I love the one of Pepper by the cat bowl. :)
these are so sweet!
Your photos make them look so well trained!
I. Love. Cats. Great shots! :D xx
This is so sweet, Brea. It is so hard losing a pet; it is so kind of you to take such lovely pictures of Pepper and Christine. They are so cute! I agree – photographing cats is hard – they definitely enjoy hiding :) You did such a great job of capturing their personalities.