Eastern Shore Engagement Photos | Selbyville, DE | Cory + Lawrence

October 31, 2017


Some couples are just too much awesome for one blog post. As I’ve said before on my blog, I’m thankful that I am a better photographer than I am writer. I met Cory and Lawrence through Tommy, and I already knew that he made a habit of surrounding himself with only awesome people, and these two are no exception. Cory and Lawrence are adorable, hilarious, kind to the core, and their love is truly something special. It’s shown in warm embraces, sweet touches, the occasional side-eye, and a willingness to be totally weird together. They are wonderful and bring out the best in each other. Last week, Tommy and I went to Cory’s family’s beach house in Selbyville, DE to catch some sunset (ha) photos and stay the night and hit a sunrise too (double ha). As it turns out, it was dangerously windy and obnoxious, and our hope for sunset photos was definitely not a thing. We did the best we could despite the awful winds before giving up and going to get dinner. We then went out a little later to get creative and be silly for some Harry Potter inspired shots- which won’t be the last Harry Potter stuff we’ll see from them on this blog! The next morning our sunrise photos also weren’t a thing, but we did take some shots while they made breakfast for everyone and got a rain shot or two before heading out for the day. I absolutely loved my time hanging out with Cory and Lawrence and getting to know them better! I can’t wait to see you guys again, hopefully soon, and to be a part of your wedding next year!

Thanks to Tommy for also taking a bunch of the shots during the kitchen shoot while I was still half asleep :)

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  1. Emily says:

    So cool!! You did some epic stuff here, especially given the tricky weather conditions! The Harry Potter stuff is great, and I love the candid stuff of them cooking together.

  2. Emily says:

    (Also, could I have said “stuff” one more time in that sentence?!? What is wrong with me.)